Fern, lingonberry, wood star.
We all need comfort, hugs and support at some point in our lives. We can face losses, get sick or otherwise just be sad. Comfort drops are like a warm mother's lap which embraces us with unconditional and infinite love. You don't always have to cope with everything alone, we can ask our friends for help...and how good a friend's help feels. Comfort drops help us feel peace, fearlessness and gentle love. When you also lend a helping hand to your fellow passengers, you will notice how good it feels.
Power statement: I dare to ask for help, I gladly extend my helping hand to others. I am safe.
Price: €22
Tuomi, white lily, blue anemone
Do you dare to be who you really are. Do you dare to express your opinion on things, do we dare to face the challenges of our life. These tips give strength to move forward, courage to realize dreams, face life's challenges, look at things from another person's point of view. Letting go of bitterness and anger releases tension from our body. The drops help us understand how many good things there are around us in our lives.
Power Theorem:
I am brave, I dare to accept my life exactly as it comes
Price: €22
Rose, star of the forest, white lilac, cat's bell
Drops of joy bring joy, compassion, uproarious laughter, madness, everything that makes us happy into our lives. It's time to release your inner child and enjoy life. Ask the angels of joy to help you see your emotional blockage, which is an obstacle to your joy.
Power Theorem:
I am full of joy, everything around me is full of joy.
Price: €18
Blueberry, swamp water, swamp pine
We usually think of the word power as physical power, but one important factor in maintaining our body's vitality is mental power. When our mental resources are in poor condition, this is also reflected in our physical body. The drops help to detach from things that consume our resources; difficult relationships, being bullied, being subjugated, gives readiness to defend oneself, helps to complete unfinished tasks. Helps to see one's own strengths. The right kind of nutrition, sufficient sleep and exercise are also important for the well-being of our body.
Power Theorem:
I have the mental and physical strength to complete unfinished business. I dare to defend myself, I have a chance to realize my dreams.
Price: €18
Drops made from Finnish flowers and plants help us in different stages of our lives. Then we deal with sadness, we are fearful, sad, bitter, joyless, we experience a feeling of inferiority, lovelessness or powerlessness.
Flower drops are not fragrance oils, but extracts from flowers and plants. Flower therapy can strengthen and support both mental and physical body functions. Flower drops are perfectly suited to support other forms of treatment as well.
Use: a few drops a day orally for a few weeks.
Cornflower, cornflower, nettle
Every moment is a change. Our cells are renewed, our hair grows, plants grow, clouds move, the sun shines and it can be cloudy. We can also easily freeze to our places, familiar old ways of doing things are safe, old relationships even if they don't work are safe, the old jacket we've been wearing for the last 10 years feels good... Behind change is usually fear. Muutos drops help you stand on your own feet, help you see things in a different way, and give you a chance to make a change. Each of us has the opportunity to influence our own lives. We ourselves can create our lives.
Power Theorem:
I dare to live in the midst of constant change.
Price: €22
Pet, vanamo, cornflower
Do you find interpersonal relationships or your relationship challenging, Do you not come to work
get along with your friends. Do we place high expectations on our relationships. Are we hoping for someone to bring something missing into our lives. The medial flood rushes in with a constant supply of ideal images of human relationships and life. Materiality, the power of money, and constant protection for our own rights distract us from our true self and the purpose behind why we incarnated here. Do we dare to face and accept another person as he is. am I ready to open our pain point to the other, or do we allow the other to be weak and lacking. When we face our true selves, we can also face other people with compassion.
Power Theorem:
I am compassionate and loving towards all.
Everything is precious.
Price: €22
Daisy, forest violet, pine
We are born from the flow of creativity, as well as everything that is around us. Creativity is a state where everything is possible. When we open to creativity, we can realize and express ourselves in the most diverse way. Whether it's dancing, painting, crafts, planning, singing, making music, etc., through the flow of creativity, we realize what is most meaningful and rewarding for us. There is a power in creativity that releases an incredible amount of energy when it is unleashed around it. Creativity makes us happy and powerful.
Power Theorem:
I use my creativity in all its greatness and let it flow freely.
Price: €18
St. John's wort, blueberry, nettle
Do you get sick easily? Our physical and mental bodies form the whole of our body. A constant negative way of thinking, blaming, anger, bitterness, barking at others, radiation pollution and trivialization cause our mental body to become unbalanced, which is directly reflected in our physical body, e.g. as pain, weakness, etc. Other people's negative behavior or thinking towards us can also cause physical symptoms such as pain. When both our bodies are in balance, attacks from outsiders do not cause adverse effects in our body. Among these drops, especially St. John's wort makes a protective wall around us, as it were, against all kinds of pollution. Once again, I mention that sufficiently versatile nutrition, exercise and balanced mind control are of great importance in the well-being of our entire body
Power Theorem:
My thoughts are full of positive things, I appreciate my body.
I do things in moderation.
Price: €18
Yellow anemone, ketone carnation, spring primrose, white anemone
Are you interested in elves, fairies, earthlings, trolls, water spirits, tree spirits... These drops have been born in interaction with my helpers in question. Now, keep your eyes and ears open... your new exciting journey can begin... Open your heart and ask them to be your friends. Picking berries and going on mushroom trips or just lounging in the forest becomes magical.
Power Theorem:
I open my heart and am open to my new friends.
Love is everywhere
Price: €22
Mary's palm, celestite
Angels walk by our side as soon as we are born and each of us has our own guardian angel.
It is wonderful to be under the protection of these creatures and to ask for help when your own strength runs out. Angels' love is endless and they can always support and encourage us. Of course, sometimes they also have to watch from the side when we make mistakes and take steps on side paths. These things teach us to understand
life and the consequences of our actions and thoughts. We can ask the angels for help in finding our life mission, getting a job or something else. We have to remember that everything has a purpose, if we don't get the job we want or something else we wish for, maybe it's not the best option for us, but we should think about another option. We can ask the angels to deliver, for example, a message to someone we want. Their methods are diverse in helping work. Angel drops help to get in touch with our own guardian angel, as well as with other angels. The drops strengthen the connection in angel evenings and meditations.
Power Theorem:
I open my heart to the help and love of angels.
I am ready to connect with the angels.
Price: €18
White horsma
The white sisters represent feminine energy at its most beautiful. They are noble, loving, and powerful beings, representing the forces of lost Atlantis. These sisters have come to our aid for people who work in nursing or otherwise work to help people. This class of beings also represents the crystalline energy used in Atlantean times for many purposes. If a crystal skull appears to you in a dream or you see somewhere while taking these drops, you have connected with this noble group. Through your dreams, they bring you new knowledge about nursing or helping people. Sometimes you can start saying very strange things in the middle of a crowd or in the company of your friend. This talk can bring about a change in the people in question. You can also ask for drops when taking to confirm your connection with them, or to give a clear sign of your presence.
Power Theorem:
I am open in my helping work, I am open to a higher love.
Price: €18
Larch, cypress, tongue
When facing death, we don't always understand its purpose. Often the loss of a young or even a small child causes immense pain. As the song says, we are only here on loan for a little while, some for longer and some for less. Often, when facing death, we may end up mourning our own sorrows, and not those who have passed away. Death is a channel to release emotions on many levels. It is very cleansing. If we think about the attitudes towards death in different religious groups, the customs vary a lot. In some countries, death is a joyful celebration, and in some countries there is dancing and rejoicing for the deceased. Here in Scandinavia, we have created a sadder style. Azrael drops give an understanding of death and the understanding that the person or animal that has passed away is always by our side, even if they are not physically with us. It is also important from the point of view of the moving spirit that we do not hold him in this energy field, but he gets to continue his journey towards new challenges. Ask the angel Azrael for support in your time of sorrow.
Power Theorem:
I am grateful for this life, thanks to my friends in the afterlife.
Price: €18
Apple tree, white magpie bell, Tytyr stone
Do you feel like you are from another planet, Do you feel bored when you look at the night starry sky. Have you met beings from another planet? Or are you familiar with communicating with other planets. Planet Earth drops help us adapt to planet Earth and understand why we are here. We can also communicate and collaborate with our star friends when we want to. For the children of the new age, the drops help in the transition to planet earth at the moment of birth.
Power Theorem:
I understand the purpose of my existence on planet earth.
Price: €18
Ulpukka, petrified wood, oak
Cleansing and letting go of everything from the past frees us and takes us on new paths. We may have experienced very dramatic things both in this life and in the past. Inevitably, it is not appropriate to worry and reminisce about old things, but it is more important to forgive and ask for forgiveness from those with whom we have had disagreements. We have to move forward and do things the way we would like them to be done for us. These drops help, for example, in regression therapy to bring painful things to the surface and understand their purpose. Also in all kinds of introspection and when dealing with the cause and effect of our own issues, we get to the heart of the problem more easily. Of course, it is up to the person himself whether he wants to admit and deal with his own mistakes.
Power Theorem:
I'm ready to move on.
My future is full of love and forgiveness.
Price: €18
Do you play an instrument, do you sing, do you give concerts, are you a teacher, an actor, do you give speeches to people, do you do voice treatments. Whatever you do, there is an opportunity for you to reach new dimensions with the help of Sound drops. You just have to dare to throw yourself and let things come through you. If you are nervous/excited about an upcoming speech, performance or concert, it is a great help for these problems as well. You have a huge support team to support your work. So be confident that it will be done.
Power Theorem:
I trust myself, everything is going exactly as planned.
Price: €18